Friday, February 18, 2011

Service Oriented Architecture(SOA) - iPad

Today my SOA app for iPad got approved.

App Store Link

This app includes:
4 SOA Type with related SOA Design Patterns
8 SOA Principles with illustrations
7 SOA Goals with illustrations
16 SOA Design Pattern Groups
78 SOA Design Patterns with illustrations

16 SOA Design Pattern Groups

Foundational Inventory

Logical Inventory

Inventory Centralization

Inventory Implementation

Inventory Governance

Foundational Service

Service Implementation

Service Security

Service Contract Design

Legacy Encapsulation

Service Governance

Capability Composition

Service Messaging

Composition Implementation

Service Interaction Security


1 comment:

  1. hello, I cant install soa design patterns in my tablet andoid. I purchase it not download from the markey. What is the problem?
